About Us & The Blog

Welcome to our new home building blog! We are a married couple with two cats in south eastern Wisconsin who have decided it’s time for the next chapter and are going to be building our home. I work for the IT department of a local University as the director of operations and infrastructure. My wife is a validation engineer for a regional radio-medical pharmaceutical company. Outside of the work that pays the bills, I am very active in the local theater community both on the technical side as well as the on stage side. My wife is very active in photography. Her focus is mainly on pet photography. If you’d like to find out more about her photography, you can head here.

I decided to start this blog to track the home building process, because as I was researching things before we started this venture, I discovered there weren’t really a lot of blogs out there about the home build process from start to finish. I did find a couple very good ones which were my inspiration to do this one as well. I’ll link those below. I will be trying to keep this blog current (with a bit of a time delay from actual) through out the entire build process so you can follow along. You can either start at the beginning, or just jump to the most current entry.

We are excited about this adventure, and hope you’ll join us here by stopping by to follow along for the journey with us.

Resources/References from this post: