And then there were two…

After a lovely break for Thanksgiving and some delicious food, it was time to go visit the last one. There should have been two more builders to visit with, but after doing some more reading on their website, we decided that we didn’t want to keep them on the list. It felt like a lot of their information had been written by the legal team rather than the building team. So that sort of put us off before even talking with them. So, we went and met with the last one at their model home and had a very good talk. It was a very nice model home, I might add…although far past our budget. So after we got home, we talked through the three visits and decided which one we weren’t going to go back to and ask all of our remaining questions of.

Having sorted that, we reached back out to the two we liked the best, and set up some meetings with them to talk a little more one on one. We’re meeting one of them at their design center so we can see that as well, and the other we’re meeting at a different model home they have which is closer to a plan we would potentially be interested in if we picked them.

Next up, we should really get more serious about finding a piece of grass to actually put a hole in at some point in the future.