This is the way…

Christmas has now come and gone, but the new home adventure still has a long way to go. We met again with our final two builders that we liked the best. We were able get some more detailed answers on a few outstanding questions we had. Both meetings went very well. I think that no matter which builder we choose, we’ll end up with a nice home that we will both love coming home to and living in for many years to come.

After the two meetings (which we were able to schedule back to back which was VERY handy), we talked about what we liked and didn’t like from the meetings and were able to make out selection. In addition to the actual builder questions/answers we had, we also talked about our feelings towards the two folks we met with and who we thought might be a better fit with us personality wise.

We’ve chosen to work with Victory Homes. They also have a sister company called Allan Builders. They are basically the same company, and you can mix and match features/models between the two companies to get exactly what you want. Our new home construction sales specialist is also a relator and will be helping us with the process of finding a lot. She had some good questions for us so that the could start working up an MLS searching process to start sending us some lots to look at. We might also look on our own and take a drive past a few if we find anything that looks interesting.