Some News is No News…

We got an update from our new home consultant today about the three acres. It’s not really good news or bad news. It’s more just, news. It turns out that the lot we are interested in, as well as the one next to it, are still owned by the original owner of all the land that became the subdivision as it is now. He’s apparently 93, which does explain some of the delays getting information about the lot and answers back on stuff. The last time (3ish years ago) that someone was interested in the other lot he decided that he had no interest in budging at all on the price (which everyone we’ve talked to agrees is too high given the improvements needed), and instead wants to just leave it to his children.

This brings up a couple of questions in our minds. First, do his children even want it? When a parent passes away, it’s hard enough to deal with estate stuff, let alone trying to then also sell sone property if you’ve got no real plans or uses for it. Second , if there’s a family who is very interested in purchasing the land, why wouldn’t you want to sell it? Thirdly, if it is his children (or even grandchildren) who someday want to build there, they are going to have the same cost issues for improvement that we would be looking at.

So, some news is really no news. On the plus side, the president of company who is the developer of the subdivision is going to talk personally with the owner next week and try on our behalf to see if he would consider selling, and if so, if he would even consider a reduced price from the last price it was listed at. So, hopefully next week will be some real news.

We worked with our home consultant to come to what we though was a fair price range for the lot that took into account the fact that the lot has been around since 2016, has the high water table, and will therefor need more than a “normal” amount of improvement costs to actually be able to build on it.