The Search Goes On

We have gone to check out a handful of lots recently, and a few of them looked promising. There are a couple that are in the one to one and a half acres. There’s also one that’s closer to three acres. The three acre one is a bit of an interesting lot. It used to be on the market a while ago, but the listing expired. Our home consultant was able to talk to the developer and find out some more information. Turns out that they let the listing expire because the lot has a higher water table (24″ about) and the lot (plus the one next to it) have been on and off the market for close to 6 years now. I know that you can still build on a lot like this, there’s just added costs to bring in fill to get the house up to a new base height. Still might be worth it if the lot can be had for a good enough price. Some more homework needs to be done though to see what the additional lot costs might be.

We’ve also been going through model home plans as well, working to figure out what it is we like about some of the layouts and what we don’t like about others. A couple of the plans are very similar, so it’s hard to come up with why we like one more than the other. Along the same lines is thinking about what minor changes we would want to make to each of them to make the more “us” and work better for how we live. We will definitely have to have a meeting with our home consultant to help us narrow the list even further. While we think we know how we live, having someone whose an expert in it will maybe help us come up with why we like one plan more than another.