3 Becomes 1

We had an opportunity to meet with our home consultant and talk through our three favorite plans and what we liked about each and didn’t like about each. We spent about two hours looking at al the plans and nit-picking all the details in them. It was a very good use of the time though. By talking through it all with someone else, we were able to go from three choices to just one.

We met with her at the Brightwater II model home which was one of the ones that was in our top three. It was helpful to be in one of the spaces while talking about it. We ended up picking the Brightwater II as the starting point for our modifications. We went through the things we would want to change and adjust for our version of it. She took down tons of notes and sketches on the print we had of the plan and will turn them all over to the in-house design team to start working on a first version of our own version of the plan