Estimations (Round 2)

We had a good meeting today with Lindsey to go over the proposal. The proposal was very well laid out. It showed all the standard items and base price items, and then nicely noted changed based on our tweaks to the plan, as well as a different colors for all of the items that were our options, such as Zip-R for the exterior walls.

Here’s some of the adjustments/questions we had that they are going to follow up on and re-quote:

  • Adjust interior basement wall foam to only be in the fully finished areas
  • Provide some additional details around the exterior waterproofing upgrade number vs leaving it as what is standard
  • Adjust wall framing to be 24″ on center vs 16″
  • Split out the costs for the windows for the 3 season room as that’s one of the possible items we’d eliminate
  • Change the exterior stonework to be manufactured stone
  • Confirm if the plumber is using Pex A or Pex B
  • Identified the selected rooms we want to do interior insulation on which is basically the bedrooms so that if someone is outside them, or int he bathroom, you don’t hear the noise as much
  • Only drywall garage as necessary for code/occupancy to start with
  • We noticed a couple of differences in credits for doors vs costs for adding the same size door in a different location

Now they’ll go back and do some homework, and update our pricing and come back with a version 2.