A Wall by Any Other Name

Time waits for no man…and excavations wait for no forms. Well, there were forms, we just didn’t get to snap any pictures of them. Since the last visit, not only did forms go in, concrete get poured, forms got pulled, but the concrete was also able to cure to the point that exterior waterproofing has already gone on. That’s a lot in a short amount of time.

Originally we had called for smooth basement walls since we knew that we would be finishing it, so the stamped brick pattern would end up behind walls anyway, but we ended up with the brick pattern. Turns out that the concrete folks have non-brick patterns, but since most people don’t want that, they don’t have nearly as many form sets for those. Our project manager asked us, if there was no cost difference, did we really care. To which we said, nope. So, since brick pattern forms were available, that’s what we got. Technically means we got a bit of extra concrete over all too, at no cost difference.

We’re now able to really feel the size of the house and the layout of things. Being able to hop into the basement via the partial exposure and then sort of visualize where the rooms will be and things was very fun. They should be starting to set steel sometime next week once the concrete finishes its full cure time. Around that same time, the first round of back-fill will start to happen as well.