Let the Digging Begin!

Excavation has started. We missed them taking the first digs on the lot, but did get down thee while they were still working which was cool to be able to do. We were also able to meet with Chris Bilder who is our project manager. I’ll pause so you can have every sort of internal monologue joke about his name you’d like to have. As he told us, odds are high he’s probably heard it. While meeting with him, we also went over our budget items and estimated costs related to excavation. Only time will tell if it holds true, but right now it’s looking like we might come in under budget on the excavation portion, which would be an okay way to stat a home build. Part of that is related to the weather being nicer and the excavation actually being easier to do and possibly going quicker as a result. We’ll see how that all plays out later on as invoices for things start coming into the builder.