The Keel is Laid…err…Steel

And just like that, we have some steel beams and posts in our basement. They have also done a first round of back-fill. It makes the lot look so much different not having as many huge piles of dirt all around anymore. The second round of back fill won’t be for a number of months now so things can have a chance to settle down. Since there was a lot of heavy truck traffic, and most of the original driveway has disappeared into the earth, they also have put down another layer of rock for the driveway. Next up will be starting to set the floor joists and put the cap on. That will probably be one of the biggest transformations because we will be able to actually walk the first floor and pick out exactly how everything will lay out.

We are also headed back to Drexel in the next couple of days to continue to do selections for the carpet, tile around the fireplace, and to start to look at what we want to do for the backsplash in the kitchen.