Crossing the Wall

We’ve been through a couple of back and forth e-mails with the designer at Allan making some tweaks to our design from an energy efficiency perspective. There were some details that we wanted to be sure were right in the cross section since the framers and project manager would be relying on those details to

Design Meeting

We were asked if we could meet with the architect/designer for our house to go over some of the energy efficiency and building science details we were hoping to accomplish. For details like that, a meeting is far easier than trying to do it by e-mail. Kim wasn’t available to join, so I met with

Making the Cut

So we’ve been looking long and hard at the pricing for the house, and here’s some of the things that we’re keeping and will have to be let go. Keeping Saying Good Bye To It was tough making those choices, but it was what had to be done. Basically we chose to priortize the things

Basement Draft

The week ended with a lovely first stab at a basement layout for us. Much like the exterior draft, we did have some changes and modifications. We really weren’t sure how to best arrange the basement, so having them do it first gave us a good starting point. Once we had that, we could better

Exterior Drafts

Today we got back a first draft of the exterior of the house. We liked the majority of how it looked. We did have some suggestions though which we sent back to the builder to make a version 2.0. Below are the elevations and also the notes we sent back. Front Elevation Changes:*Change the front

Exteriors Galore

The past couple of weekends have been spent driving around new subdivisions to look at exterior elements and styles to take some notes on what we like and don’t like. We want a craftsman look and feel to the exterior but with some of our own take on it. Here’s a bit of the list

Draft #2

We got back a version 2.0 of our first floor plan taking into account the minor changes and notes that we had sent over, and everything looks good. We did some adjustments with the stairs from garage to the basement, the garage itself, the master closet, and a few tweaks in the kitchen. The more

Draft #1

We got a version 1.0 of our version of the Brightwater II plan. It’s exciting to see our names on a draft building plan that represents our house. Seeing it on paper makes this whole process seem much more real for some reason. I think it’s because it’s something real, something we can hold, something