Real Estate

At the end of all the building, we’ll be selling our condo. We’ve been in it since 2008 and if you asked me if we’d still be in it 15 years later, I would have probably said nope. But, here we are. It’s been a good condo and overall, we’ve had very few complaints about

Design Meeting

We were asked if we could meet with the architect/designer for our house to go over some of the energy efficiency and building science details we were hoping to accomplish. For details like that, a meeting is far easier than trying to do it by e-mail. Kim wasn’t available to join, so I met with

Lot Walk

This weekend, we did a walk of a lot in Ripplebrook West which is down in Big Bend. There are only about 13 lots total in this subdivision. The lot is about an acre and a quarter, and is a new, small subdivision. The subdivision seems nice. It’s nothing big or fancy. It would only