Crossing the Wall

We’ve been through a couple of back and forth e-mails with the designer at Allan making some tweaks to our design from an energy efficiency perspective. There were some details that we wanted to be sure were right in the cross section since the framers and project manager would be relying on those details to

Real Estate Talk

We got back our sellers presentation today, and it was good news. The comps that she pulled for the report varied in the number of days on the market from 1 to 15, and all but 1 actually sold for over the asking price. She came to about $365,000 to $370,000 for a likely listing

Real Estate

At the end of all the building, we’ll be selling our condo. We’ve been in it since 2008 and if you asked me if we’d still be in it 15 years later, I would have probably said nope. But, here we are. It’s been a good condo and overall, we’ve had very few complaints about

How Much Down?

One thing that came out of the conversation with both banks that I think is worth mentioning is how much down to put as part of the construction loan. Typically when you do a traditional mortgage, you’d try to do as much down payment as you are comfortable doing to get as close to 20%

Bank Chats

We have had good conversations with Great Midwest Bank and Tri-City National which were two of the banks we reached out to. Since a new construction loan is new to both of us, we had questions, and they both walked through their processes and how it works out. Both were even willing to give hypothetical

Design Meeting

We were asked if we could meet with the architect/designer for our house to go over some of the energy efficiency and building science details we were hoping to accomplish. For details like that, a meeting is far easier than trying to do it by e-mail. Kim wasn’t available to join, so I met with

Waiting on Life

There’s going to be a little pause in updates and activities for now as I’m in to a theater rehearsal and production of Boeing Boeing. We have sent e-mails to the banks that Lindsey provided that they have worked with before to talk to talk about financing options, and what they think is best give

Making the Cut

So we’ve been looking long and hard at the pricing for the house, and here’s some of the things that we’re keeping and will have to be let go. Keeping Saying Good Bye To It was tough making those choices, but it was what had to be done. Basically we chose to priortize the things

Estimations (Round 2)

We had a good meeting today with Lindsey to go over the proposal. The proposal was very well laid out. It showed all the standard items and base price items, and then nicely noted changed based on our tweaks to the plan, as well as a different colors for all of the items that were

The Price is…Well…High

We got the pricing proposal the other night and it came back higher than we thought it would. We assumed it would be high, but it was higher than that. We had a good meeting wtih our sales person. We went through everything line by line. She answered all of our questions and took down