Layouts and Red Lines

Out builder has been great about sending us more detailed PDF’s of some of the plans that we’ve been interested in. It’s allowed us to really look at them better and get an idea of what we like from the flow of a house. Turns out that all the ones we like are a similar

A Meet & Greet

Knowing that eventually we will need to list the current condo on the market, we decided to talk with a realtor. We wanted to find out based on current market data what we might be able to realistically get for the condo. In addition, we wanted to as her thoughts on some things we could

Some News is No News…

We got an update from our new home consultant today about the three acres. It’s not really good news or bad news. It’s more just, news. It turns out that the lot we are interested in, as well as the one next to it, are still owned by the original owner of all the land

What’s Some Water?

Since learning more about the three acre lot with the higher water table, my free time has been partially taken up by doing research into what that means, and what it would mean to build in such a condition. The over all answer seems to be more cost because of having to bring in extra

The Search Goes On

We have gone to check out a handful of lots recently, and a few of them looked promising. There are a couple that are in the one to one and a half acres. There’s also one that’s closer to three acres. The three acre one is a bit of an interesting lot. It used to

Lots of…Well…Lots

It’s now 2023, which doesn’t seem like it should be a thing already, but here it is. Back to work, and back to continuing on the adventures of building a new home. We have started to look at some lots on our own and have gotten the first couple MLS reports with some lots on

This is the way…

Christmas has now come and gone, but the new home adventure still has a long way to go. We met again with our final two builders that we liked the best. We were able get some more detailed answers on a few outstanding questions we had. Both meetings went very well. I think that no

And then there were two…

After a lovely break for Thanksgiving and some delicious food, it was time to go visit the last one. There should have been two more builders to visit with, but after doing some more reading on their website, we decided that we didn’t want to keep them on the list. It felt like a lot

The first visits…

We took a very windy and stormy Saturday and Sunday and went to visit two of the builders at one of their model homes that was near the condo. We wanted to use it as a more informal visit. So while we had the full question list in mind, we didn’t actually set to ask

And lo an adventure begins…

After discussing it on and off for a few years now, we’ve decided it’s time to finally plan the next phase and adventure in our life together. In this case, that next phase is building our own home. Now it was time to do some different research. This time on builders in our area. Everyone