It’s Finally Real

After so much back and forth with the bank, we finally reached it. Closing day. There were times when we thought that we would never get here for lots of reasons. To be completely honest, with all the technology these days and online document approvals and signatures on things before hand, the actual closing day is actually….well…highly anti-climatic. It was us and the title company in a small conference room for like 15 minutes. That was it. I remember when I bought my condo, it was like an hour, and there was signing and initialing so much more paperwork.

So, that ends sort of the first major chapter in this venture. This means that things are officially underway now. Next up, getting a date to start digging a hole in the ground…on our brand new lot!

In case you need a refresher…this is the lot. It’s just over an acre. It is in a small development with 12 total lots. This one sits up on a bit of a hill towards the back. It’s got a tree line, and some woods behind it.

That was back before winter was a thing. As of today, this is the coolest thing on the lot (or so we think).