The Keel is Laid…err…Steel

And just like that, we have some steel beams and posts in our basement. They have also done a first round of back-fill. It makes the lot look so much different not having as many huge piles of dirt all around anymore. The second round of back fill won’t be for a number of months

A Wall by Any Other Name

Time waits for no man…and excavations wait for no forms. Well, there were forms, we just didn’t get to snap any pictures of them. Since the last visit, not only did forms go in, concrete get poured, forms got pulled, but the concrete was also able to cure to the point that exterior waterproofing has

Whole Hole

Excavation has commenced, and we have a lovely hay filled hole in the ground. It’s our first opportunity to really feel the size of the foundation. It’s a fun feeling to be able to walk around it and know about where things are going to be. It will only start to get better from this

Let the Digging Begin!

Excavation has started. We missed them taking the first digs on the lot, but did get down thee while they were still working which was cool to be able to do. We were also able to meet with Chris Bilder who is our project manager. I’ll pause so you can have every sort of internal

Flagged and Tagged

Now that paperwork is signed, and permitting has happened, it’s time for the excitement to start. Or at least the first round of it. The house has all been staked out and the top soil has been scraped off and is now neatly piled where it will sit until the house is done. Each of

With Great Cabinets Comes Great Counters

Or something like that at least…. Now that we had narrowed down ideas for our cabinet colors, we started to look at countertops. Going into the meeting, we knew one thing for sure. The kitchen counters were going to be a Cambria. We’ve always thought they had really cool designs and patterns. Since everyone spends

Everybody Was Cabinet Picking

While there is still some time before things get really busy, we’re making some visits to Drexel who handles most of the materials and selections and building supply side of things. We love how the builder likes to help you have your selections and what not done as far ahead of time as possible. It

It’s Finally Real

After so much back and forth with the bank, we finally reached it. Closing day. There were times when we thought that we would never get here for lots of reasons. To be completely honest, with all the technology these days and online document approvals and signatures on things before hand, the actual closing day

Controlling the Control Barriers – Part II

Previously on controlling the control barriers, we talked about what they were, and how we are handling the water and air barriers. Below is the cross section of how our walls will look for reference. To quote a certain Sci-Fi show…”and now, the conclusion.” VAPORAs borrowed from the International Association of Home Inspectors: A vapor

Controlling the Control Barriers – Part I

When it comes to a house, there are four main control layers that you want to deal with. They are (in order of generally accepted importance) water, air, vapor, and temperature. Buckle up for a long post, as we take a quick look at each one of them, and see how we are addressing them